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Make Your Practice Perfect
Module 1: Review Your Current Practice and Build Basic Techniques
Introduction and overview of the course (11:50)
Module 1A: Forming Good Practice Habits 1: The Accuracy Formula (21:23)
Module 1B: Forming Good Practice Habits 2: Busting the 30 minute myth (27:32)
Module 2: Using Basic Psychology To Make Your Brain Work Harder For You
Module 2A: Taking Advantage of How Your Brain Works and Making Practice More Effective (18:02)
Module 2B: Planning Your Practice More Effectively (44:36)
Module 3: Lesson Notes, Practice Targets and The Order Of Practice
Module 3A: Practice Session: Targets and Tasks (22:27)
Module 3B: The Importance of Review and Order of Practice (35:34)
Module 3C :Adults and Self Directed Learners (29:02)
Module 4: Advanced Slow Practice Techniques, How To Learn New Pieces, What To Do When You Don't Achieve Your Aims
Module 4A: Advanced Slow Practice, How To Speed Up and When To Stop (28:00)
Module 4B: Breaking Pieces Down and In What Order Should You Learn a Piece? (31:20)
Module 4C: Learning Effectively (Supplementary Unit) (12:54)
Module 5 - Practice Environment and How To Use A Metronome Effectively
Module 5: How To Use A Metronome For Maximum Impact While Still Playing Musically (50:08)
Module 6: Recording, Scales, Technical Exercises, Sight Reading
Module 6A: Using Audio And Video Recordings To Inform Your Practice (22:11)
Module 6B: Scales, Technical Exercises, Long Notes (44:37)
Module 6C: Sight reading (24:27)
Module 7: Warmups And Improvisation
Module 7A: Warm Ups (10:01)
Module 7B: Improvisation And Why You Need To Know Your Instrument (19:50)
Module 8: Practice Games
Module 8A: Practice Games (15:18)
Module 7A: Warm Ups
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